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CBSE AFFILIATION NO 2133257/SCHOOL CODE 61286/CALL US- +91 8447770950,+91 9212263645/EMAIL ID :info@mindpowerinternationalschool.com

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  • ::  Proud Moment for everyone associated with Mind Power International School for being ranked no. 4 (U.P. - Challengers).             ::  Education World Survey declares Mind POwer International School at 49 Rank in Delhi City, 65 in State Rank, 106 in All India Rank.... Congratulations to All!            

Chairman’s message

Honourable Chairman
Dear Parents and Dipsites

An exuberant welcome to the session 2023-24! Education awakens the power and beauty that lie within us.” Education does not only mean academic excellence. It rather is a harmonious and synchronized combination of hand (skills like various arts), head (Intellectual Power) and heart (Value System). In the present era of digitalized world, it the biggest challenge before educators and parents, to nurture the young minds with the indelible impressions of a holistic education. Therefore, we come up with a vision to foster different facets of a student in order to see him/her developing as a vibrant student, responsible citizen and above all a generous and sentient human being. Our pedagogy is child centric, with emphasis on over- all growth and development of our students. In an era where we are heading towards technological Singularity, it becomes more important to review what is happening in our classrooms. The question is are we preparing our children for the change? After lots of research, brainstorming, deliberations we have finally come up with a futuristic curriculum, which aims more at research and collaborative learning. The curriculum gives scope to the students to work in teams, solve problems, research, present and collaborate with rest of the world. With a long and rewarding history of achievement in education behind us, our school community continues to move forward together with confidence, pride and enthusiasm.
Welcome to Mind Power International School
A Hi- Tech Air Conditioned Senior Secondary school recognized by Directorate of Education affiliated to CBSE in Commerce, Science & Humanities carves complete & booming beings in affable atmosphere for holistic
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